Friday, January 2, 2009

The best use for day old lasagna noodles

Interesting fact of the day: A great reward for preschoolers who worked really hard to clean up their messy toy room is cold, day old lasagna noodles. I'm serious. You would have thought I gave these kids ice cream or candy! They were so happy.
Our sweet boy, who for the first time today verbalized "all done." He has been signing it for a couple months but today he said it. He's also getting really good at saying "momma" when he wants me.
The messy, messy playroom and the girls hard at work... especially Miss O
She is actually quite the thorough cleaner. She sticks around until all the toys are put away. Only occasionally do I have to use the v-word on them. What is that, you wonder? "Vacuum!" Whenever I tell them I need them to clean because I am going to vacuum they clean so fast and so well.. because they are worried their toys are going to get vacuumed up. It works great. I wonder how long until they figure out that I never actually vacuum up any toys...
Sitting on the dora couch enjoying their cold, soggy noodles. yum.
"Mom, I wish we could have these cold noodles every day"


  1. That is too funny-who needs candy??

  2. It's funny what kids will eat and what they won't eat. Love this story!
