Hello blog readers! Tonight, I sat down to write Mr. J an email about what we have been up to, but decided to just post it on my blog instead. He seems to check it quite often. I have also added some pictures, cause who doesn't like pictures? So for some of you, this might be kind of boring, but here is what we have done this week....
Highlights of this week:
- Saturday: Delicious breakfast at Mimi's cafe with Aunt Nanny and Uncle Tom. Cleaning and then the hamster got out of his cage. Base Chapel Volunteer Dinner at the Enlisted Club on Base. A pretty fancy dinner to take 4 kids to. They had glass plates and cups and linen napkins. The kids did really well and I had so much help from my friends that were there that I actually had a fun time too! They helped the kids get their dinner (it was buffet style) and took turns holding Miss E. Also, Krystal asked the waitresses for a high chair and they had quite a nice one, with toys on top. We listened to one of the generals on base here speak and also were entertained by the gospel children's chior (which all 3 kids loved!)
- Sunday - puke day at the Jones house. Miss O woke up in the middle of the night saying she felt like she was going to puke (but thankfully, did not) and then Mr. T woke up crying around 430 am laying in puke. He threw up like 4 more times that morning, and then was done. Throughout it, he did not act like he was in any pain, still just as happy as could be. So we spent the day at home, the kids thought it was really fun that I let them watch a DVD in their room on the laptop (the above pictures were taken during this time). Unfortunately we missed church and the AWANA awards ceremony. Miss M finished her cubbie book this year and also won a very special medallion for being such a happy cubbie. She is so excited to be a Sparkie next year. Also, Sunday I was planning to go the commissary but couldn't so Deanna and Tom took my list and my debit card to the store with them when they went and bought all my groceries for me! It is SUCH a blessing to have them close by.
- Monday- Preschool in the morning then home for lunch. I had called the doctors office about Mr. T's cheek sore, and they told me to come in for the walk-in clinic at 1pm. So I took all 4 kids to the doctors at nap time. The doc said there was no sign of infection and to just keep applying neosporin bid (twice a day) and try to keep a bandaid on it. But it is quite hard to convince an almost two year old to do that! We also stopped by and visited my work friends and got fig newtons at that shoppette for a snack. It actually went quite well. We came home and the middle ones took a nap while Miss M did her reading lesson. That evening we went for a walk.
- Tuesday - I got my hair cut and highlighted by my friend Krystal's friend. Krystal and Karen watched all 4 kiddos while I had it done (first time Miss E was with someone other than family). I really like my hair, it's a fun change. The last time I had my hair cut was last November! We came home and had lunch with daddy via the web cam. I love skype. Then, Mr. T went down for a nap and the girls and I made Tower of Babels (see pics below) thanks to this great idea from Christian. Then Deanna and Tom spent the evening with the three big kids while Elizabeth and I went to the MOPS mommies night out- this month we went to All Fired Up, a pottery painting place in Henderson. This was my first time painting pottery and I LOVED IT! It was so much fun!! I went with the idea to make a fruit bowl since I currently am using my colanders to hold all our fruit. I can't wait to get it back (on Tuesday) and I will post pictures of my creation. I would love to go back again and make a cookie jar. Also, I think it would be fun to take Miss M sometime, and the other kids as they get older.
- Wednesday - Today the girls had preschool and Miss E and I had doctors appts, so Mr. T spent the morning in the 2 year old class at the place where the girls go to preschool. Miss E's appt went well! She was flashing smiles at the doctors and techs. Today she weighed 10 lb 10 oz (she was 9 lb 7 0z at birth) which puts her in the 50th percentile instead of the 95th (where she was at birth), so we will go back next week for a weight check. The doc said this just might be where she stays. She is still in the 95th percentile for height at 23.5 inches (she was 21.5 at birth). This afternoon we all came home and took naps so we would have energy to go to Costco! I needed to stock up on diapers, wipes and milk. Then the kids and I had a snack of smoothie and churros (healthy -no, delicious - yes!). After we got home, the kids played inside until it cooled down a bit, then around 7 ish we went on a long walk around our side of base. We stopped at a fun playground with a tire swing for about a half an hour and sat on our blanket and had a "night picnic" of oranges, pb&j sandwiches, graham crackers and milk. Then we walked back home and got here around 9. You might be wondering how I am able to walk this long with 4 kids? Well, on the way to our destination, Miss O and Miss M walk holding the double stroller, and Mr. T sits in front and Miss E lays in the back asleep. Then on the way home (or until Miss O can't keep up anymore) I put Miss E in the Baby Bjorn and have Miss O sit in her seat. We also take lots of ice water. I have really come to enjoy these evening walks for a number of reasons 1) it gets us out of the house after staying in for most of the day because of the heat 2) I get a pretty good workout, walking and pushing 60lbs and wearing 1olbs of kids 3) I usually see friends along the way and stop and chat 4) The kids are exhausted when we get home and fall right asleep! Anyways, after we got home from our walk this evening, as I was putting the kids to bed, I noticed the hamster cage was empty! Ahh! I know he was in his cage yesterday afternoon, but am not sure how long he has been loose. Maybe I can talk Tom and Deanna into coming over and helping me find him tomorrow.... or maybe I can leave the doors open for a long time and he will run out... just kidding! He figured out how to get out of the small circle opening on the left side of the cage. I think it's not the cages fault, but mine, I probably didn't shut it tightly enough after cleaning it on Saturday.
The plan for the rest of the week - tomorrow we are going to be home most of the day! Yeah! We are going to play, clean, do laundry, and take a trip to the post office and then dinner at Aunt Nanny and Uncle Tom's. Tom is leaving for his deployment on Saturday so this will be our good bye party for him. We have a 4 day weekend and I think I Saturday we are going to hit the Old Navy $1 flip flop sale and go to Just Cupcakes to celebrate Miss M's completion of her reading lesson book! She also has been asking to have her ears pierced, so we might do that as an early birthday present. She told Mr. J she wanted him to get her earrings for her birthday.
Now that it is quite late, I am going to go to bed. Maybe I will get a chance to post another blog tomorrow. I have a couple of ideas swimming around in my head... good night!
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